In daily life, we will find that many people have fever for some reason, general weakness, headache and heat. At this time, temperature measurement is needed in time.
The cooling of antipyretic paste is carried out according to the physical principle of heat absorption by water vaporization. It can be used continuously and does not need to stop for a period of time when two pieces are exchanged.
The principle of antipyretic sticker is physical cooling, which is the use of modern means, imitating the traditional small towel wet compress method to cool down.
According to Announcement No. 38 issued by the former Ministry of Environmental Protection in conjunction with relevant ministries in 2017, the Minamata Convention on Mercury entered into force for China on August 16, 2017, which clearly stipulates: "From January 1, 2026, the production of mercury-containing thermometers and mercury-containing sphygmomanometers is prohibited."